photo id: 780

This log cabin was the first to be built in what would later become Snowflake. It was erected by Alma Z. Palmer (William Flake's brother-in-law) in 1878. It was on the corner of Miller and Freeman.
photo id: 782

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In the spring of 1884, when Snowflake was only six years old, the only brick building in the community was the LDS church which can be seen just to the right of center in this picture and in the inset.
photo id: 785

Top: This adobe home is the oldest building in Snowflake. It was built by James Stinton and was owned by William J. Flake when he purchased the ranch.It was also used as a meeting house and a courthouse. This house and the adjacent building are now part of the Stinson Museum on 1st East Street.
photo id: 789

In 1879 this log cabin was built and used for public meetings, dances, church, and school. It was located at Hunt and Main Streets. It was 22 x 33 feet and was covered with shakes and clapboards.
photo id: 790

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The Willis Brothers Store started in 1895 and was in business until 1921. This building stood on Main Street where the Circle K now stands. The Grill Cafe stood on the same site before the Circle K was built.
photo id: 806

The original Snowflake Stake Academy building pictured here was completed in 1901. The Stake Academy was a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints educational institution. It burned down in 1910. A new Stake Academy building was built in 1913 and still stands next to the current High School.
photo id: 792

The Stake Academy building was completely destroyed by fire on the night of November 24, 1910. Classes were then held in the upper floor of the Flake Brothers Store until that too was destroyed by fire 14 months later.
photo id: 791

When the 1901 Stake Academy building burned after less than 10 years of use, a new Academy was constructed using red sandstone quarried between Snowflake and Taylor.
photo id: 796

This Snowflake Stake Academy building was built in 1913 after the original building was destroyed by fire in 1910. It was used for high school classes and the school library. As of 2012, the Academy building is undergoing renovations to eventually become the new home of the Snowflake-Taylor Public Library.
photo id: 797

The north side of the 1913 Stake Academy.
photo id: 794

The Assembly Room in the Stake Academy building.
photo id: 320

Construction of the Social Hall began in 1907 and the construction was completed in 1909.
photo id: 323

This Social Hall was built in 1909. It was used for dances and theatrical presentations.
photo id: 804
This is a view looking north on Academy Street (now 2nd Street West) in 1909. The trees in the photo were cottonwoods and ditches ran along both sides of the street.
photo id: 802

Built in 1891, the old District School is now used as the Snowflake Town Hall. This school photo was taken in 1908. The teacher in the picture is Leonora Smith Rogers. Ike Rogers is on the horse.
photo id: 800

In the late 1940s the town of Snowflake purchased the old District School and renovated it for use as the Town Hall. The upper photo was taken in 1964; the lower photo was taken in 1976 or 1977 after remodeling in anticipation of the community's upcoming centennial.
photo id: 801

This view of the Highland Park area shows 14 years of growth from 1963 (top) to 1977 (bottom). This area's construction began about the same time as the Paper Mill began construction.
photo id: 803

The Stake House in downtown Snowflake was built in 1939. It was destroyed by fire just two short years later in 1941. The church building that currently stands on this site was constructed using some of the surviving walls.
photo id: 798

This building, the downtown LDS church, was rebuilt over the remains of the 1939 Stake House that burned in 1941. This latest version was completed in 1943 and used sandstone from a quarry northwest of Snowflake.
photo id: 334

Logging was one of Navajo County's biggest industries.
photo id: 328

Inter-community boxing matches were held in Taylor and surrounding towns. These drew quite a crowd and gave men something to talk about when they got together.
Originally E. W. Farrar, a 5 foot 2 inch 115 pound man started wrestling classes and instigating matches in 1914. No one in the community could beat him.
William W. Willis built a room for a social club and athletics. The Snowflake Amateur Athletic Club was started. In 1932 they reorganized to the Snowflake Athletic Club featuring boxing. The clubs manager was 'Doc' Gilbert M. Webb and they held the first exhibit in September.
Boxing continued to be one of the best attended sporting events for many years.
photo id: 209

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Born in Utah in 1860, Sarah Hall Freeman and her husband John Albert Freeman later moved to Snowflake. They had nine children. She died in 1901.
photo id: 330

Aaron Porter Adair was born in Utah in 1850 and later moved to Snowflake. He died in 1900 and is buried in Show Low Cemetary. His wife, Fanny Crosby Adair, outlived him by 15 years. They had one son, Aport Adair.
photo id: 315

Lowell Barr Turley was on born April 21, 1892. He married Grace Freeman. They raised several children, and several of their descendants still reside in Navajo County.
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The Snowflake co-ed basketball team in 1912.
photo id: 314

A group of friends gathered in Snowflake in 1911.
photo id: 316

The class of 1910 with their diplomas.
photo id: 324

The class of 1915 poses with their diplomas.
photo id: 325

Relief Society members joined voluntarily out of a desire to serve. Services they provided included sewing clothing and quilts, cooking classes, community beautification projects and making sure the needy were cared for.
photo id: 313

Just 10 miles northwest of Snowflake are many karst formations in the form of sinkholes. These are caused by underground erosion. Because of its great accoustic properties, one of these sinkholes was used by the senior high school classes for theatrical productions between 1933 and 1940. In this photo the class of 1938 is presenting "The Faerie Queene."
photo id: 799

Ford Garage was next to the Willis Brothers Store on the south side. It was known as the Southside Garage. Later it was called the Ballard Brothers Garage.
photo id: 807

By 1914 the use of automobiles in Snowflake had increased so greatly that ACMI installed a gas pump at their store. McLaws Garage, which opened in 1912, started offering gas soon after. Also pictured here is Updike's Ice Cream Parlor, which was located next to McLaw's.
photo id: 808

Taylor’s first two settlers were James Pearce and John Henry Standifird in 1878. This painting by Peggy Rogers depicts the settlers traveling by wagon. Pearce started for Arizona on October 18, 1877, coming by way of Lee's Ferry to Moincopi, through Tucker's Flat into the settlements of Sunset and Brigham City. They arriving in Woodruff on December 13, 1877. He left his family there while he explored the country to the South. Then on January 21, 1878, he decided to retrieve his family. They left Woodruff on January 22, headed toward Silver Creek. Mary Jane, his wife, was lying in the back of the wagon suffering from a headache. Coming over the hill in view of Stinsen Ranch (now Snowflake) James said, "Now come and look at this, all this valley belongs to James Stinson." She replied, "Well this is too good a place for one man to have. It won't be more than two years before our people will have this place." Quoting James Pearce, "This was nearly six months before the Flake Party located at Snowflake". On January23, 1878 they arrived at the present site of the town of Taylor. "This land was not surveyed and I (James Pearce) simply had a squatters claim.
John Henry Standiford, with his thirteen year old daughter, Ann, came to Pearce's place March 7, 1878. They stayed with the Pearce family and the two men decided to join forces. If they were to survive the winter a crop had to be raised that year. They explored up the creek and found a place where irrigation water could be put on the land quickly and easily. For two milk cows they purchased the Squatter's Right to this place from Felix Scott. It is known today as the Bert Solomon Ranch. The remains of their old dam and ditch are still plainly visible. They raised a good crop in 1878, which sustained them and also helped sustain settlers in Snowflake valley.
In July 1878, John Henry Standifird returned to Utah for his families, leaving Ann with Mary Jane Pearce. This place was farmed during the summers of '78 and '79, but the winters were spent in Taylor helping with the survey and lay out of the town.
photo id: 151

This is a painting depicting Mary Jane Pearce and a child on top of the hill above their dugout. Living underground had its challenges. Once, Mary Jane was laying in bed and saw a snake coming through the ceiling. She called for a knife and chopped off its head. At one time 34 people used the dugout for their headquarters, living in wagons around it.
The painting is by Peggy Rogers.
photo id: 152

Jesse Pearce found a good place to stop about three miles south of Stinton's ranch. This was on January 23, 1878. He constructed a crude dugout in the side of a hill for his wife and children to live in temporarily. Dugout shelters were always considered temporary, but they provided good shelter while a permanent home could be constructed. It was located on a rise above Silver Creek, approximately one hundred yards south of modem-day Pinedale Road. They had crude furniture and wood beams across the ceiling to sustain the weight of the hill above. Each night they would move the table against the door to protect against any invasion.
photo id: 144

This is a painting by Peggy Rogers depicting early settlers building one of the first homes in Taylor. The lumber for building had to be hauled 20 miles by oxen or wagon.
photo id: 146

The original settlers of Taylor were members of the Church of Latter Day Saints. The Zion Plan for establishing settlements used by Brigham Young, the Latter Day Saints leader and western colonizer, included sending ahead the tradesmen necessary to establish a community. One of the trades deemed essential was a blacksmith. This is a drawing of Joseph Smith Hancock's first Blacksmith shop in Taylor.
photo id: 149

A birds-eye view of Taylor.
photo id: 968

One of the first necessities for the pioneers settling in Taylor was to dig ditches to get water to the land for planting crops. It was hard back breaking work, but the settlers had no choice but to accept it as a necessary part of creating a new settlement.
photo id: 147

Colonization was hard work, and horses were essential both for hauling heavy loads and for farming the new land. Men took excellent care of their teams, and took great pride in them.
photo id: 154

Plowing the fields was an exhausting job. Horses were used to pull the plow, but a person still had to add pressure to keep the blades in the soil and guide the horses. The soil in Taylor is very dry and clay-like.
photo id: 214

Haying in Taylor was essential for survival. When the weather is warm, farm animals can graze in pastures, but pioneers had to grow enough hay in the summer to feed the livestock during the winter season. Unlike the modern hay baling process which uses machinery to create and transport bales, Taylor pioneers did it all by hand.
photo id: 155
Roundup time involved checking the calf crop, bringing
in the strays, and getting ready to trade or sell the livestock. In most cases
the entire family helped with this process.
Photo provided by the Taylor/Shumway Heritage
Foundation in Taylor, Arizona.
photo id: 973

Ditch cleaners and their horses or mules cleaned the trash and weeds out of the ditches before they let the water run. All the local citizens looked forward to witnessing their expertise.
photo id: 157

Women crossing the plains in covered wagons during the nineteenth century didn't have access to doctors or standard medical treatments in the wild west. Midwives that either received training or learned through experience were used for to assist with child birthing. Often the midwives would stay with the new mothers up to two weeks after birth.
Photo provided by the Taylor/Shumway Heritage Foundation in Taylor, Arizona.
photo id: 161

Margaret McCleve, born in 1838, came from Belfast, Ireland after her family joined the LDS Church in 1941. They arrived in New York by ship, then traveled by train to Winter Quarters, Nebraska. From there they pulled a handcart to Salt Lake City, Utah as part of the second handcart company.
Margaret married Mosiah Lyman Hancock in 1859. Mosiah answered the call in 1879 to serve in Arizona, and the family went with him. Margaret worked as a midwife in the Taylor area, delivering over 1500 babies. She passed in 1908 and was buried in the Taylor Cemetery.
photo id: 164

Margaret Hancock McCleve's midwife trunk sits at the foot of the bed in their small cabin. Margaret and Mosiah raised 13 children here. This cabin has been preserved and restored by the Taylor/Shumway Heritage Foundation.
photo id: 163

photo id: 337
Harriet Allen was one of many women that had to learn
a profession when their husband's died in order to survive. She learned
midwifery to earn enough to support herself and her children. Life in the West
was difficult enough, but having to support your family without a husband in a
patriarchal society was even more challenging.
Photo provided by the Taylor/Shumway Heritage
Foundation in Taylor, Arizona.
photo id: 972

This is a 1910 Jenny plane that landed in the early days of Taylor. Quill Standifird is the second man from the right.
photo id: 304

The Shumway Schoolhouse in Taylor is one of the only one-room brick schoolhouses in Arizona. It was created from locally fired soft red brick in 1900. There is a bell steeple in the front. Prior to its construction there was a log meetinghouse being used for the school. The chief carpenter for the building was a Mr. Reynolds The masonry was done by George Gardener and his son Charles, of Snowflake. Neil Hansen of Lakeside did the plastering. It was restored in the 1990s.
photo id: 335

Two early photos taken of Taylor from Solomon Hill. Taylor started out with a bowery and then built a log building to be used as the community center, church and school. In time they outgrew the old log school and a new addition was framed and sided with "clapboard" rather than made of logs.
"As with all enterprises of this nature, the construction would have been a community effort. Frank Perkins is among those identified as being involved with the fashioning of the school benches for the students. Early pews and school benches would have been made from plank lumber that had been smoothed by wood tools and then fitted with legs of some sort. There would have been a plank floor as well. These pioneers were adept with tools so benches, tables and floors would have been pretty even and smooth even without modem sanders. The Willis sawmill would have provided rudimentary planks and boards but shaping and smoothing would have been a local responsibility. The logs may have had clay chinking where necessary originally to keep the wind from blowing through the cracks, but even here logs could be made pretty tight with adzes and planes-most logs were shaped on all four sides.�?
photo id: 153

Ladies basketball was considered an acceptable sport in the early 1900's. The women pictured here are wearing homemade uniforms.
In the early to mid 1900's women were forced to limit the number of dribbles, play half court basketball and were kept from entering the lane on free throw attempts. Society felt that women could not hold up to the physical and emotional pressure of competition. They were also of the opinion that jumping would be harmful to the female reproductive system.
photo id: 207

Harvey Palmer, a boxer from Taylor.
photo id: 208

Foot races were very popular in the early days. They were held during all the town celebrations, such as 4th of July or Pioneer Days. The races included all ages and both sexes with a variety of novelty races such as wheel barrow, potato and 3 legged race.
Jess Pearce and Allen K. Miller were two of the better-known sprinters. Jess Pearce was challenged by track men all over eastern Arizona.
One especially memorable 100-yard race was between Jess and Allie Mineer of Saint Johns held in Snowflake on March 14, 1914. The race was very close with less than a foot between them. Pearce was the winner with a time of 10 2/5 seconds.
According to S. Eugene Flake, Pearce would bet on the outcome and his strategy was to just barely keep ahead of his opponent and make the race so close that he would be challenged again.
photo id: 210

John Henry Solomon was Taylor's first shoemaker. He also made boot last patterns. Lasts are essentially a mold of your foot, and were used to create a custom shoe or boot.
photo id: 213

Known as Doc Gilbert Webb, he was trained as a chiropractor. Students went to him for physicals. He was a tease, saying to one young man, "Oh my, I don’t think you have a heart."
photo id: 168

Dr. Neal Haywood was the principal of the grade school but became aware of the medical needs of the community. He took a leave of absence from teaching and went to school to become a doctor. When he graduated he had to return to teaching until the community could accept that he was a doctor and could treat them. He was responsible for contracting the Maternity Home in Snowflake.
photo id: 169

Men take a rest from their hard work making adobes.
photo id: 288

Lilly and Granddad Wakefield working outside on their property.
photo id: 290

The AZ Palmer General Store.
photo id: 293

The first ambulance crew in Taylor.
photo id: 270

The steel bridge in Taylor, Arizona.
photo id: 276

Children and their teachers in front of the old log schoolhouse.
photo id: 277

Children in the snow near the old schoolhouse.
photo id: 281

The grade school band posts for a picture.
photo id: 282

Photo provided by the Taylor/Shumway Heritage Foundation in Taylor, Arizona.
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Photo provided by the Taylor/Shumway Heritage Foundation in Taylor, Arizona.
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The town hall.
photo id: 308

Taylor's city hall after being remodeled.
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The cemetery in Taylor.
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The water tank in Taylor.
photo id: 311

The relief society building.
photo id: 301

John Henry Standifird and his family were some of the first settlers of Taylor in 1878. Their home is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
photo id: 298

The home of Jesse Perkins, Senior. The north end is the original building, built in 1879 from hewn logs. Pictured here are Brigham Perkins, Rhoda Perkins Young, Alice Young, and Myrtle Hatch.
photo id: 969

Jess Pearce and Allie Mineer race. Newspaper records indicate that Jess Pearce won the race.
celebrations were foot races. They were held for all ages and both sexes.
A couple of the better known sprinters were Allen K. Miller and Jess Pearce. The latter is still talked about as one of the swiftest runners. He challenged or was challenged by track men all over eastern Arizona.
photo id: 970

named Kearney. A wager was made between O. D. Flake and the Willis’ as to which was the fastest horse. The horses were trained for some time and on the day of the race quite a crowd had gathered. Ultimately the Flake horse, Kearney, won the race.
photo id: 971

Renz Jennings restored and played the drum for many years. He was a Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court but always took the time and made the effort to participate in his home town of Taylor's 4th of July Celebration.
photo id: 812

The Jennings Drum was used in 1835 in Far West, Missouri, on to Nauvoo, Illinois then to Utah and Arizona. The original drummer was Major Edward P. Duzette and it was played during most community events in Nauvoo. It was often used in military encampments in Utah canyons with the military families accompaniment. It is thought that it was during this time the Beehive decoration was added to the side of the drum.
photo id: 255

The modern day Jennings Band, with conductor Lenn Shumway at the firing of the anvil. You will hear this happening early every morning on holidays. Boyd Hatch is lighting the anvil, which flies high into the air and creates a boom heard throughout Taylor. Two anvils are used. Newspaper is placed over the bottom anvil and a cylinder with black powder is placed over the paper. The second anvil is placed up side down on top of the first anvil with the paper and powder in between. People gather to watch the top anvil launched into the air.
photo id: 256

The home of Kirk Hatch. Its former occupants include the Wakefield's and Ellsworth's. Pictured here (left to right): Aretha Wakefield, Ellen Bates, Myrtle Hughes, and Letha Bullard.
photo id: 294
The first addition to the church in Taylor.
Photo provided by the Taylor/Shumway Heritage
Foundation in Taylor, Arizona.
photo id: 974

The home where school and church services were held.
photo id: 299

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A photograph of Taylor Intermediate School.
photo id: 286

The Junior High School building in 1968.
photo id: 287

Trapper Days is held on Memorial Day weekend each year in Taylor. Here, the flag is being raised around the Veteran’s Memorial at the Taylor Museum. A patriotic speech, rousing patriotic music, and a retired flag given to a veteran make this day special. A Memorial Day celebration has been a tradition in Taylor since the first settlers choose to honor their dead with yellow roses that grew wild and were blooming at that time of year. Later they made crepe paper flowers to decorate the graves.
photo id: 263

The Sweet Corn Festival is held on Labor Day each year in Taylor. This picture features Phyllis Irvin as an ear of corn in the annual parade.
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Vern Hatch's barn.
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Later, in 1932, the dam needed repairs so the Apache Railway sent out a crew of 20 men to help with the repairs.
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Halfway up the butte are plain evidences of ancient dwellings. There are large circles of rocks, embedded in the ground. These circles are thought to be the remains of Indian dwellings (hogans) or possibly sheep corrals. Indians living today in Northern Arizona say the butte was the home of their ancestors. Many flint arrowheads, pieces of pottery and stone axes have been found, as well as corn grinders.
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Main street about 1900. It shows clearly the old ACMI building, trees, and ditches.
photo id: 563

Woodruff's Main Street, looking north toward the butte, about 1930.
photo id: 564

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Leo Gardner and Ross Brinkerhoff in front of the old Arizona Cooperative Mercantile Institution (ACMI) building.
photo id: 903

Approaching Woodruff from the south, this picture shows the old dirt highway on the east side of the river. During the first years of its existence, Woodruff was right in the path of progress for the main highway in this part of Arizona went right through the town. This brought tourists, cattlemen, freighters and new colonizers, and many others who had an interest in the country. Everything seemed to point to prosperity for the town. Then, about 1940, the highway was rerouted about 5 miles west, and Woodruff was missed entirely.
photo id: 565

As you approch the town from the south, the little village, with its many trees, begins to show up. The low rocky hills surrounding Woodruff are covered with a typical growth of low bushes such as Sage. Brush, Brigham Tea, Yucca and Prickly Pear. There are willows, tamarisk and cottonwood trees along the river. Wild flowers include delicate white Lilies, Buttercups, the tiny Lemon Plant, Indian Paint Brush, Cliff Rose, Coral, Daisies, Larkspur, Poppies, 4 O'Clocks, Jimson and Milk Weed.
photo id: 566

photo id: 569

B.P. Savage with his daughter, Ruth Savage. Ruth was miraculously healed from a serious illness when she was about 13 years of age. A doctor from Holbrook pronounced that she would only live for about an hour or so. Her mother sent for a Woodruff man who was known for having the gift of healing.
photo id: 898

A wagon crosses the river. This was prior to bridges being built in the area. Sometimes when there was a heavy rain, the washes and river would be swollen with flash floods. Folks would have to wait a few hours for the floods to go down before they could continue on across the river.
photo id: 899
The home of Hans and Ingobor Guldbrandsen. The Guldbransens willed their lot to the LDS Church. After their death, the home was rented out for many years. It stood where the present chapel now stands. Much later it was converted into a Relief Society meeting house and was used as such until the time it was torn down to make room to build the chapel.
photo id: 900

This log house belonged to James Smithson. Standing on the porch are Lon Savage and Effie Smithson. This is one of the few old pioneer homes still standing.
James David Smithson came to Woodruff with his wife Elizabeth in 1881. They had 13 children. After Elizabeth died in 1982 he married Julie Savage, a widow with four children. She bore James three additional children. James remained in Woodruff until his death and was affectionately known to the population as "Daddy Smithson."
photo id: 901
photo id: 902

The home of Alma Ruben and Delilah Turley. Later it belonged to Ed and Ann Gentsch.
photo id: 904

David and Lydia Brinkerhoff's home. Later it belonged to Joe and Phoebe Brinkerhoff, and after that, to Albert and Zine Hatch.
photo id: 905

The home of James Y. and Anna Lee. Later it belonged to James and Sara Brinkerhoff.
photo id: 906

The home of Horace B. and Sally Owens. Later it belonged to Dennis and Lorena Smithson.
photo id: 907

The home of James Clark and Lucretia Owens. Later it belonged to John Albert and Minnie Bowler.
photo id: 908

The home of Joseph and Julia Fish. Later it belonged to Wesley and Zelia Turley.
photo id: 909

The home of Grandma Ella Gibbon, a widow. Later it belonged to Maude Amos.
photo id: 910

The home of Elmer and Tressa Hatch. Later it belonged to Tony and Willa Johnson.
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The home of Ed and Hazel Howard. Later it belonged to Nowlin and Leora Kartchner. It is made of native red sandstone.
photo id: 912

The home of Hyrum and Lottie Turley. Later it belonged to Earl and Lula Coplan. It is made of volcanic rocks from the butte.
photo id: 913

The new LDS chapel in Woodruff, built in 1957.
photo id: 914

The old church and school bell.
photo id: 915

This Sunday school group photograph was taken about 1924.
photo id: 916

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This class photo was taken in 1908 on the north side of the old ACMI building, under the stairs.
photo id: 918

Here is a class picture from 1931. The teacher is James Byron Pace.
photo id: 919

No doctor has ever lived in Woodruff, but practical and trained nurses have been on hand most of the time to care for the sick. Pictured here is Lovina E. Gardner Larsen.
photo id: 920

In the early days mothers dressed their babies in long dresses similar to the one pictured. It wasn't until around 1910 that they began using shorter ones. Up until the 1940's or sometimes even later, all babies were dressed in white baby clothes until they were at least three months old.
photo id: 921

Rex, Ross, and Ralph were the sons of Joe and Phoebe Brinkerhoff. They were baptized on their eight birthday on May 5th, 1927. Ross died that following August. Everyone in town was very proud of their one set of triplets. They were not born in Woodruff but moved there while very young.
photo id: 922

A threshing crew, circa 1920.
photo id: 923

Woodruff has used wood for fuel for most of its hundred years. Each year the men of the town hauled wood for use in the school and church, for widows, and other families in need of aid. The picture shows a group of men resting from their exertions, about 1932.
photo id: 924

Teams of horses and scapers working to build a new dam.
photo id: 925

Farmers used ensilage to feed their livestock. It was made of green corn, stalks and ears together, chpped up fine and put into silos to cure. The cut-up corn would fall right into the solo. Every once in a while it would have to be trapped and leveled. Usually there was enough moisture in the corn to make it cure, but sometimes they had to add a little water to hurry the fermenting process, After it was cured, it would keep all winter and the cows loved it. It tasted something like a pickle. Pictured here are Hyrum Turley cutting and Elmer Gardner helping.
photo id: 926

One industry that was fairly successful at different times in Woodruff
was the chicken business. All families had a few chickens, but the main ones to try it out, as a business venture, were James Brinkerhoff, Joe Brinkerhoff, Wallace Turley, John Gardner, Elmer Gardner, Melvin Gardner and Nowlin Kartchner. John Gardner and Nowlin Kartchner were the two biggest. At one time, Nowlin had about 8,000 hens, and he was in the business the longest time, about thirty years.
photo id: 927

photo id: 928

The valley was beautiful, the climate mild and the river brought plenty of water to the very doorstep of their town. And yet the problem of getting that water onto the land has been a continual heartbreaking struggle throughout all of Woodruff's history. They built 14 dams. The first ones were made of rocks, brush, and dirt, and washed out almost annually. Q.R. Gardner supervised the building of the 13th dam, and it lasted for ten years.
photo id: 929

The fourteenth and final dam at Woodruff was completed in 1919. This
dam was built three miles south of town, on the Silver Creek, just above
the place where it runs into the Little Colorado River. After the dam was
finished, a system of canals was painstakingly built to bring the precious
water down to the land in town.
photo id: 930

The construction of this dam was supervised by J. D. Smethers. The total cost was $85,000,000. Of this amount the LDS Church paid $25,000, the
State $10,000 and the people of Woodruff $50,000. This plunged the
Woodruff Irrigation District heavily into debt, as this was an extremely
large sum for such a small community to pay off. It was a happy day
when the last payment was made twenty years later.
photo id: 931

The west side of the New Dam.
photo id: 932

Holes were dug in preparation of the new dam. These two deep holes were below the new dam.
photo id: 933

The spillway on the west side of the new dam.
photo id: 934

Much of this canal was built through solid rock and without the methods available to us today. The water had to cross the river several times to find the best route down the river, so several flumes and one syphon were used.
It was near the area called "Arthur's Meadow." The under-the-river
syphon is nearest to town, just above the old dam. One of the flumes
does not go across the river but hangs along the cliff on one side.
photo id: 935

photo id: 936

An aerial view of the first flume.
photo id: 937

A new bridge was dedicated on January 21st, 1972. This was taken at the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
photo id: 938

Lonnie Fuller and his dog, Tex, near the new bridge.
photo id: 939

Through the years, 4-H Club Work has been quite a big thing in Woodruff.
Many types of clubs were tried out. The boys went for animal raising, gardens, "Future Farmers of America"; and the girls had sewing, canning, flowers, and so on. There were some great leaders in town.This photo was taken in 1938.
photo id: 940

The 4-H garment club in 1932.
photo id: 941

photo id: 942

Around 1928 the Scout Troop hauled wood in a little buggy and sold it in Holbrook to get money to pay their dues and to go on camping trips. Each year the boys would look forward to their pinewood derby and spring camporee.
photo id: 943

Scouts hauling wood to sell in Holbrook, about 1931. Pictured are Wendell DeWitt, Joe Ison, and an unknown boy.
When Gilmore Jackson was Scoutmaster in 1930, he was able to get 100% of the boys of Scout age active in Scout work. When interviewed, he said, "Being a Scoutmaster in Woodruff was one of the great joys of my life. The people of the town really had the spirit of Scouting--doing good turns; anxious to help when something was being done in the Community, like one big family. There is no other place in the world where you get more cooperation than you do in Woodruff!"
photo id: 944

At the Spring Camporee, an annual Boy Scouts outing, in 1973. Woodruff won the trophy for Best Troop. Pictured are Monte Kartchner, Stan Hatch, and Greg Gentsch.
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In 1926, there were just six wells in Woodruff. In 1930 the people's dream came true when a town well was drilled at the south end of town. A water tank was put in and a windmill was purchased to supply the power. Soon water was piped into all of the homes. It was a time of great rejoicing: the people of Woodruff now had running water in their homes!
photo id: 946